Collections by Carol/ summervp

Collections by Carol/ summervp
a/k/a Prints As Art

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is Your Camera Really Important?

Is Your Camera Really Important?

As a photographer and artist I get asked this all the time?  I had one guy say to me..."sure you can take nice have a fancy camera!"
  I have a Sony A33.  Which by no means is a bad camera, but it isn't one of the cameras that everyone touts is the best camera for shooting anything or everything I shoot.  And I do shoot across the gamut from macros to landscapes, wildlife to portraits, still life to events and festivals; and I need to adjust to every environment.  I'm the one that needs to adjust to the situation or the lighting or the subject matter.  And yes lenses, filters and camera do make a difference but they are not the most important element in the formula for a great image.  As a photographer I need to know not only how to adjust to my subject matter and the environment I'm shooting, but also I need to know how to download my images,  save them, back them up, chose the ones I judge as good enough to make the cut to post process.  And choosing a form of  post processing, because of the digital age, can be very technical, daunting, and time consuming.  Then I need to get my images "out there".  They need to be available.  They need to be seen.  They need viewers and followers.  My images are not just "a picture" or a "photo" they are hand picked, lovingly processed and shared with my followers and clients and chosen with a particular purpose in mind.  Yes, my camera recorded what I wanted it to.  But,  I'm the person behind the lens. I'm the person who created the image you see before you. So finally, is my camera important?  My camera is only as important as any other tool I use to create my art.  It was Ansel Adams, who famously said “You don’t take a photograph, you make it”.

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