Collections by Carol/ summervp

Collections by Carol/ summervp
a/k/a Prints As Art

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bayfield Ice Caves - WE DID IT

4 1/2 miles of cliffs and caves fascinated both Roy and I on our latest trek this past week.  On February18 and 19th, for two days in a row, we both made the 7 mile round trip trek to Bayfields Ice Caves (yes on foot, and with at least 2,000 other people, and yes even in the middle of the week).  Over 600 miles and 500 pictures later we are now proud to say....WE DID IT!  I have about 4 weeks of photo editing to do, but the trip was well worth it.  The Ohhhhh's,  Ouuuu's and Ahhhhh's were stumbling from our lips every time we rounded another corner, or peeked into another cave.  If only we would have had more endurance....we both said we would have LOVED to stay later to watch the sunset, twilight and stars come out....however the dreaded walk back prevented us from daring to stay past our strength's limits. 

Its about a five hour trip one way from Fremont to Bayfield (with just a couple of stops).  But pile a 7 mile trek with winter boots, coats and equipment and another 6 hours of....well.....FUN on top of it... staying longer just did not entertain our thoughts any further than dreams.  The next morning we were up at "the crack" of dawn had breakfast and were back at Meyers Beach by 7:30am.  And as tiring as the day before had been, we still trekked for another 6 miles and 6 hours only to return to our car at 2pm and made the long drive home.  We were driven to see just how far we could make it,  just how many pictures we could accumulate, how many vista's we could take in.  It was like drinking a fine wine....we just didn't want to was intoxicating!  As we headed back the last mile (and only those who have done it will understand, we were torn)....I  said to Roy...."I just don't want to leave, as tired as I am....its like experiencing a taste of heaven".

Now left to work on the images I can return to the Caves, the Cliffs and the Ice formations anytime I want's hoping you will want to tag along and take a look at my Facebook page over the next month as I post images of  Bayfield's Ice Caves. 


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Personal Information:
Carol Toepke
504 Theodore Street
Fremont, WI 54940
Home Phone:  920-446-3756

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