Common Wood Nymph
Nothing common about it....The Common Wood-nymph can vary greatly. All individuals are brown with two fore wing eyespots, the lower one often being larger than the upper one. Some may have many, few, or no eyespots on the ventral surface of the hind wing. In the southeastern part of its range, it has a large yellow patch on both surfaces of the fore wing. In the western part of its range, it may have a pale yellow patch or may be lacking one. Individuals in the northeastern also lack the yellow patch. In individuals with no yellow patch, there are two pale yellow eye rings that encircle both the fore wing eyespots. The winspan measures 5.3 to 7.3 cm (2.1 to 2.9 in).
Cabbage White or a Sulphur or a mix breed?
Monarch Butterfly Larvae
Monarch Butterfly
Upper-side of male is bright orange with wide black borders and black
veins; hind-wing has a patch of scent scales. Upper-side of female is
orange-brown with wide black borders and blurred black veins. Both sexes
have white spots on borders and apex. Interestingly enough the butterfly seemed to sense his own cycle in life by landing directly on his "Adult" counterpart.
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